
The Kö-Bogen was awarded with the MIPIM Award as the wold´s best building in the category urban regeneration in 2014 and received the LEED Platinum certification.The Kö-Bogen houses retail, office and gastronomy form an architectural landmark in the city od Düsseldorf.The natural stone facade out of Roman Travertine ist partly curving concave and convex. […]

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Sebald Kontore

The sculptural form of the building reflects in three main attributes of the old town of Nuremberg: roof style, perforated facade and surface impress the subtle modernity of the architecture.The roof covering with massive corner stones sets a demanding course at the heterogeneous environment of Nuremberg. […]

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The façade of the Behördenzentrum has been completely revitalized in 2013 and was built with Warthauer and Wüstenzeller Sandstone.This building consists of the finance office, the Hessian higher labour court and the labour court of Frankfurt. […]

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Three central buildings, build with Kirchheimer Limestone, form the heart of the University of Fulda. The simple facades create a place of tranquility for science and research. […]

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Federal Ministry of the Interior

The domicile of „Bundesministerium des Innern” in Berlin will be through the new building on the Moabiter Werder near the Bundeskanzleramt combined in one building.The 3-D façade with above 20.000 m² was clad with Jura Dietfurt Limestone. […]

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Zeil 123

The six-storey office building located in the central of Zeil in Frankfurt. The façade was cladded with Jura Dietfurt Limestone. […]

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